Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed

Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed

Associate Professor

Ph.D. : Gauhati University

Research Interests:

Language, Literature & Linguistics
Date of Joining : Aug 30, 2003

Phone: 9435117896
Email: nooruddin.ahmed@cottonuniversity.ac.in

Vidwan Profile


Administrative assignments within and outside the institution:

Superintendent, RKB Boys’ Hostel, Cotton University (September 2013 - 15/12/2022)

Activities/assignments in the University:

1. Convener to the Hostel Advisory Committee, CU (June 2018 to 15th December 2022)
2. Departmental Representative for IQAC, CU (2015 to 16th November 2021)
3. Member: International Yoga Day, (21st June 2018)
4. Evaluation of Answer Scripts from H S to PG Level (Since the inception of service)
5. Question Paper Setting from H S to PG level (Since the inception of service)
6. Question Paper Setting & Scripts evaluation of Ph.D. Programme (2017 onwards)
7. Coordinator of the Research Methodology paper from the 2022 session for the faculty of Language, Literature and Linguistics


Classroom teaching carried out from HS level to PG level at Cotton University, Guwahati-1

Research guidance for Ph.D. Program under Cotton University, Guwahati-1



I was regularly appointed to the post of Lecturer of the Department of  Arabic in Cotton College, Guwahati, and joined my duty on 30th August 2003;

Now I am in the capacity of Associate Professor & HoD, Department of Arabic, Persian, and Urdu, Cotton University, Guwahati.

Research Projects

Sl. No. Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Title of the Project Period Sponsoring Agency Sanctioned Amount Status
1 Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed   A Comprehensive Study of Arabic Language and Linguistics 2007 - 2009 UGC (NERO) 1,45,000.00 Completed
2 Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed   Centers of Islamic Learning in Assam 2015 - 2017 UGC (NERO) 1,45,000.00 Completed
3 Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed   A Study on Bridging Cultures Through Translation from Arabic to Assamese with special reference to Ruh al-Azim al-Mahatma Gandhi of Abbas Mahmud Al-Aqqad 2023 In-House 1,00,000/- Ongoing


Research Projects

Sl. No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator(PI) Name of the Co-PI Name of the Funding Agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year Funds Sanctioned (INR in lakhs) Duration of the Project
1 A Study on Bridging Cultures Through Translations work From Arabic to Assamese Language with Special reference to Ruh al-Azim al-Mahatma Gandhi of Abbas Mahmud Al-Aqqad
Status: Ongoing
Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed In-House Project, CU In House 2023 1,00,000/- 18 Months

Research paper publications


1. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed , Tracing Scholastic Science (‘Ilm al-Kalȃm): Evolution in Arab World and India, Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, vol. 30, 30(4), 2148-2403, 2024 DOI:10.53555/kuey.v30i4.1568

2. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed , Exploring the Literary Depths : Arabic Essays of Mustafa Al-Manfaluti- A Profound Introspection, Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, vol. 30, 7302-7309, 4, 2148-2403, 2024 10.53555/kuey.v30i4.2558

3. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed , Al-Nazarat : A Legendary Book of Arabic Essays by Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti, International Journal of Novel Trends and Innovation, vol. 2, a206 - a210, 4, 2984-908X, 2024

4. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed , Unveilling Literary Brilliance : Exploring the Syles, Journal Research in Humanities and Social Science (JRHSS), vol. 12, pp. 286 - 291, 4, 2321-9467, 2024


1. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed, Exploring the Poetry of Abȗ al-‘Alȃ’ al-Ma‘arrȋ: A Journey Through His Poetical Works, China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, vol. 23, 1506-1520, 2, 1008-6234, 2023

2. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed, BASHSHȂR BIN BURD : A GENIUS BLIND POET OF THE ABBASID PERIOD, China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology , vol. 23, 1491-1505, 2, 1008-6234, 2023

3. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed, UNVEILING THE LITERARY TREASURE OF AL-JÂHIẒʼS KITÂB AL-BUKHALÂ’ : AN IN-DEPTH ANALYTICAL EXPLORATION, China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, vol. 23, 1477-1490, 2, 1008-6234, 2023

4. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed & Dr. Farid Uddin Ahmed, AḤMAD SHAWQȊ'S POETIC LEGACY: UNVEILING THE SYMBOLISM AND NATIONALISTIC THEMES IN HIS MAGNUM OPUS, China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, vol. Volume 23, Pp. 3879-3894, Issue 2, ISSN: 1008-6234, 2023


1. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed, تعريف موجز ببعض مؤلفات العلماء الهنود في الفقه الإسلامي في اللغة العربية, AL-BAAS EL-ISLAMI, vol. 68, 42 - 46, 08, 2347-2456, 2022

2. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed, تعريف موجز ببعض مؤلفات العلماء الهنود في الفقه الإسلامي في اللغة العربية, AL-BAAS EL-ISLAMI, vol. 68, 38 - 46, 09, 2347-2456, 2022


1. Dr. Noor Uddin Ahmed, Hazrat Azan Fakir: His Hermonious Message in "Zikir & Zari", International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, vol. 24, 9290 - 9299, 1, 1475-7192, 2020 10.37200/IJPR/V2411/PR202471

Research paper publications till 2021

1. Arabicism and incorporation of Foreign Vocabularies: A Brief Study, published in “Research Journal of Contemporary Concerns (RJCC), Vol. 2, 2004, pp. 35 – 41 ISSN No.0972-7922

2. Arabic Fiqh Literature in Medieval India, published in “Research Journal of Contemporary Concerns (RJCC), Vol. 3, 2005 pp. 135 – 138 ISSN No.0972-7922

3. Sayyid Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami and His Work Subha al-Marjan fi Athar Hindustan: A Literary Discussion, published in “Research Journal of Contemporary Concerns (RJCC), Vol. 4, 2006, pp. 17 – 21 ISSN No.0972-7922

4. The Holy Qur’ân: Its Influence on the Arabic Language and Literature, published in “Research Journal of Contemporary Concerns (RJCC), Vol. 7, 2009 pp. 25 – 30 ISSN No.0972-7922

5. Introduction to Scholastic Science (‘Ilm al-Kal?m) and its Development in Arab World and India: A Literary study; published in Research Journal of Contemporary Concerns (RJCC) ISSN 0972-7922, Volume 8, 2013, pp. 123 – 127

6. KalilawaDimna as A Genre of Arabic Literature: A Brief Study, published in international Journal of Linguistics and Literature (IJLL), (www.iaset.us)Volume 4, Issue 2, February – March 2015, ISSN (P) 2319-3956 pp. 1-8 © IASET

7. Existence of Arabic Adab (Belles-Lettres): A Linguistic Study, published in International Journal of Linguistics and Literature (IJLL), (www.iaset.us)Volume V, Issue 5, August – September 2016, ISSN (P) 2319-3956 pp. 1- 10 © IASET

8. MORAL VALUES IN THE POETRY OF BABUL ADAB OF KITABUL HAMASAH, published in International Journal of Current Research (IJCR), Volume 09, Issue 09, September 2017, ISSN (e-journal) No. 0975-833x, pp. 58329 – 58332

9. HUJJAT ALLÂH AL-BÂLIGHA: A MASTERPIECE WORK OF SHAH WALI ALLAH DIHLAWÎ, published in International Journal of Creative Research Thought(IJCRT) (www.ijcrt.org) ISSN UGC Approved & 5.97 Impact Factor, ISSN: 2320-2882, Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2018, pp. 1408 -1412

10. PROPHETIC TRADITIONS OF MUHAMMAD (PBUH): THEIR INFLUENCES ON ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) (www.ijrar.org), ISSN & UGC Approved & 5.75 Impact Factor, ISSN P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume 5 Issue 3 July 2018, pp. 736 – 744

11. UNVEILING THE LITERARY TREASURE OF AL-JÂHIẒʼS KITÂB AL-BUKHALÂ’: AN IN-DEPTH ANALYTICAL EXPLORATION, published in China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, Volume 23, Issue 2, July 2023 Pp. 1477-1490 (ISSN: 1008-6234, Scopus Journal, UGC CARE Group II)

12. BASHSHȂR BIN BURD: A GENIUS BLIND POET OF THE ABBASID PERIOD, published in China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, Volume 23, Issue 2, August 2023, pp. 1491-1505 (ISSN: 1008-6234, Scopus Journal, UGC CARE Group II)

13. EXPLORING THE POETRY OF ABȖ AL-‘ALȂ’ AL-MA‘ARRȊ: A JOURNEY THROUGH HIS POETICAL WORKS, , published in China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, Volume 23, Issue 2, September 2023, pp. 1506-1520 (ISSN: 1008-6234, Scopus Journal, UGC CARE Group II)

(in Arabic)

1. Al-Dirasat al-ArabiyyawaTatawwuruha fi WilayaAsam, Published in Thaqafatul Hind, Volume 56, Issue 3 – 4, 2005, pp. 111 – 124, published by Indian Council for Cultural Relation, New Delhi – 110002 (India)

2. Muhammad Bin Isâ: Shâ‘irMalikî Min al-Bahrayn, published in JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF ARABIC (majalla al-majma ‘ al- ‘ilmî al-‘arabî al-hindî), Issue No. 2, Vol.XXIX, Department of Arabic, Muslim University, Aligarh, India, 2009 – 2010, pp. 184 – 190

3.Taʻrȋf Muʻjiz bi-baʻḍ Muʼallafȃt al-ʻUlamȃʼ al-Hunȗd fȋ al-Fiqh al-Islȃmȋ fȋ al-Lugha al-ʻArabiyya, Vol. 68 Issue No. 8, September 2022 & Issue No. 9, October 2022

Conference Proceedings till 2021

1. دور الكليات العصرية الدينية في ولاية آسام في نشر علم الحديث Role of Hadith Literature in Promotion of Indo-Arab Relations, Volume Year 2008, Pages 

2. ز تأثيراللغة العربية والفارسية على المنظومات الشعرية "الذكر و الجاري" لحضرة أذان فقير و رسالته الإسلامية والسلمية بين الشعوب المختلفة في آسامArabic and Islamic Studies in North East India, Volume Year 2013, Pages pp. 273 - 280

3. Status of Mahr (Dower) in Islam: An Overview,Women Rights in Islam, Volume Year 2019, Pages 336 - 341 

Book publication relating subject/research concerned

1. ARABIC LANGUAGE AND ITS LINGUISTICS (Linguistic Concerns), published in January, 2018 by Notion Press, Chennai-31 ISBN 978-1-64249-185-2

2. Al- Durus al-Jadidat al- Arabiyah- A Text Book for class- VII ( Chapter )

3. Al- Durus al- Arabiyah- A Text Book for class – VI (Chapter)

4. Al-Lugha al-Arabiyya al-Wazifiyya-2, Volume Year 2022, Pages 125

5. Al-Muntakhab min al-Nathr wa al-Nazam, Volume Year 2022, Pages 71

6. Centres of Islamic Learning in Assam, Volume Year 2023, Pages 345

Chapters/Articles publications in Books (Research Oriented)

1. Arabi Loka Sahitya, AsamiyaViswakosh (Assamese Encyclopaedia on Literature), published by Assam Sahitya Sabha, 5th Volume, 2003

2. Daur al-Kulliyat al-‘Arabiya wa al-Diniyya bi-wilâya Asâm fi Nashr ‘Ilm al-Hadith, Role of Hadith Literature in Promotion of Indo-Arab Relations, published by the Department of Arabic, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 2008

3. ( تأثير اللغة العربية و الفارسية على المنظومات الشعرية : الذكر و الزاري لحضرة أذان فقير و رسالته الإسلامية والسلكمية بين الشعوب المختلفة في ولاية آسام ), published in IslamicStudies in North East India, by the Department of Arabic, Abhayapuri College, Abhayapuri, Assam, 2015

Research Scholars

Sl. No Name Research Topic Roll No
1 SELIM JADID AHMED Moder Arabic Literature Ph.D Topic: Contributions of Abbas Mahmud Al-Aqqad to the Arabic biographical literature with special reference to Abqariyat Muhammad: An Analytical Study ARA1891001
2 Jamal Uddin Arabic Novel Topic: Contributions of Tayeb Salih to Modern Arabic Novel with Special Reference to “Mausim al-Hijrah Ilā al-Shimāl”: An Analytical Study ARA1891005
3 Md. Zakaria Alom Arabic Fiction Literature Topic: Socio-political Aspects in Al-Naẓarat of Mustafa Lutfi Al-Manfaluti: An Analytical Study ARA1891007
4 Md. Hafizur Rahman Modern Arabic Novel Ph.D Topic: social portraiture in the novel of 'Asr al-Hubb:An Analytical study ARA1991001
5 Rahul Amin Modern Arabic Prose Ph.D. Topic: Socialism in the Writings of Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti: A Study ARA1991003
6 ABDUS SALAM Arabic and Assamese Novel A Comparative Study ARA2091003
7 Halima Khatun “Social Issues in the Stories of Muṣṭfȃ Luṭfȋ al-Manfalȗṭȋ and Lakshminath Bezbaroa with Special reference to Al-ʻAbarȃt and Surabhi: A Comparative Study” ARA2291002
8 MAREFUL ISLAM Arabic Linguistics ARA2291001
10 Hifjur Rahman Contributions of Yusuf Idris to Arabic Short Story with special reference to "Arkhas Layali" and " Akhir Duniyaa": An Analytical study ARA1991008


In 2015 I was awarded the Best Paper Award by the IASET:

Paper Title: 

Kalila was Dimna as A Genre of Arabic Literature: A Brief Study (pp. 1-8)

Published in the International Journal of Linguistics and Literature (IJLL), Vol.4, Issue 2, Feb - Mar - 2015 (ISSN 2319-3956)

Other Information

Awards and Distinctions:

1.First Class First in BA in Arabic (Core)

2. First Class First in MA in Arabic (Gold Medalist)

3.Best Paper Award given twice by the authority of International Journal of Linguistics and Literature (IJLL)(www.iaset.us) in March, 2015 & September, 2016

Association with Professional Bodies:

1. Member of Examination Sub-Committee, State Madrassa Education Board, Assam

2. Member to the State Madrassa Education Board, Assam for a period of three years vides Notification No. B(3)S 218/1996/432 dated Dispur, the 23rd February, 2018

Invited Lecture:

1. Minorities Initiative for Learning and Partnership Organized by PF Foundation in collaboration with British High Commission, New Delhi at Guwahati held during 2 -11 February, 2011 on topic  (1)Time Management  (2) What is Orientalism?

2. 3-Day Educational Development Seminar (EDS-2011) organized at Hazi Musfirkhana, Guwahati held during January 14 – 16, 2012Topic: How to Apply Islamic Character for Socio-Economic Progress : Date: 15/01/2012