Dr. Md. Raysul Hoque

Dr. Md. Raysul Hoque

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. : Assam University, Silchar

Research Interests:

Indian Arabic and English Literature, World as well as Indian geography and Indian administration.
Date of Joining : May 12, 2021

Phone: +91 8638025654
Email: raysul.hoque@cottonuniversity.ac.in

Dr. Md. Raysul Hoque CV    Vidwan Profile


Dr.Raysul Hoque did Master's degree from Assam University, Silchar in 2009 in Arabic and also took an M.A degree in English on distance mode. In addition, he obtained an M.M degree from the State Madrasa Education Board, Assam. He also obtained a Diploma in Computer Literacy Programme under Assam University in 2007. He has done a Diploma in Functional Arabic under NCPUL, New Delhi. He got Best graduate Award of the year 2007 for UG (Arabic Hon’s) from Karimganj College. He attained Endowment Award, Gold Medal, Merit Certificate, (Awarded by Assam University, Silchar) for PG (Arabic) in 2009. He has many research works published in defferent journals and edited books which are mentioned in the CV added with the profile. He has some research books and articles still in manuscript forms and under publication process. Dr. Hoque completed 1st Faculty Induction Programme (02-31 August 2022),  in online mode organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University (under PMMMNMT), with a grade A+. He has also completed his 1st Faculty Development Programme as "Online Weeklong FDP on Academic Writing and Publication" (01-07 November 2022), organized by TLC in association with Sibsagar Girls' College, Sivasagar & Duliajan College, Dibrugarh, Tezpur University (under PMMMNMT). 


Under Graduate Students

Post Graduate Students

M.Phil & Ph.D Students


Joined as Assistant Professor in May 2021 in Cotton University and continuing on the same.

Research Projects

Willing to work out projects suitable to the career and relevent to the new educational arena.

Research paper publications


1. Dr.Raysul Hoque, "Sayyid Qutub's Milestones (Ma'alim Fi Al-Tariq): A Defining Blueprint for Islamic Revival", Mukt Shabd Journal, vol. XIII, 182-192, Issue: VI, ISSN: 2347-3150, 2024 09.0014.MSJ

2. Dr.Raysul Hoque, Sayyid Qutub: The Architect of Cotemporary Islamic Ideology, GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL, vol. 11, 128-138, 6, ISSN: 1869-9391, 2024 20.18001.GIS

3. Dr. Raysul Hoque, Impact of Virtual Education on Student Engagement and Performance , International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities, vol. 15, 24-30, 8, ISSN 2277 – 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print), 2024


1. Dr. Raysul Hoque, تأثير الخط العربي على التصميم الجرافيكي الحديث, North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary, vol. 9, 6-12, 12, ISSN: 2454-2326 , 2023 NA


1. Dr.Raysul Hoque , HUMANISM IN TAWFIQ AL-HAKIM'S SHAHRAZAD, SHODA PRABHA, vol. 47, 268-273, 4, ISSN- 0974-8946, 2022

2. Dr.Raysul Hoque , بحثي حول مساهمة معصومي في األدب العربي (MY RESEARCH ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF MA’SUMI IN ARABIC LITERATURE), North Asian International Research Journal consortiums, vol. 8, 11-15, 2, ISSN- 2454-2326, 2022

3. Dr.Raysul Hoque , األدب العربي الهندي و عالقته بأبي محفوظ, North Asian International Research Journal consortiums, vol. 8, 17-23, 6, ISSN- 2454-2326, 2022

4. Dr.Raysul Hoque, Humanism in Tawfiq Al-Hakim's Shahrazad, Shodha Prabha, vol. 47, 268-273, 04, ISSN: 0974-8946, 2022

5. Dr. Raysul Hoque, ألادب العربي الهندي وعلاقته بأبي محفىظ , North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary , vol. 8, 11-15, 2, ISSN: 2454-232, 2022 DOI NUMBER: 10.5948/2454-2326.2022.00008.0

6. Dr. Raysul Hoque, MY RESEARCH ON THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF M’ASUMI IN ARABIC LITERATURE, North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary , vol. 8, 17-23, 6, ISSN: 2454-2326 , 2022 DOI: 10.5948/2454-2326.2022.00008.60


1. Dr.Raysul Hoque , HAFIZ IBRAHIM AND QAZI NAZRUL ISLAM’S POETRY ON NATIONALITY, Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, Netherlands, vol. 17, 3311-3315, 9, ISSN- 1567-214X, 2020

2. Dr.Raysul Hoque , Salient features of the Writing of M’asumi, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine,, vol. 07, 1796-1800, 9, ISSN- 2515-8260, 2020


1. Dr. Raysul Hoque, Nazik Al-Malaika: The Poetess of Common People , Science Publishing Group: Arabic Language, Literature & Culture. , vol. 4, 72-76, 4, ISSN: 2639-9679 (Print); ISSN: 2639-9695 (Online) , 2019 10.11648/j.allc.20190404.12


1. Dr. Raysul Hoque, A Scrap from the Life and Works of Ma’sumi, International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS),, vol. 1, 32-36, 5, ISSN: 2348 – 0343 , 2014

Research paper publications till 2021

  1. Dr. Raysul Hoque, "HAFIZ IBRAHIM AND QAZI NAZRUL ISLAM’S POETRY ON NATIONALITY"Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, Netherlands, ISSN 1567-214x, Scopus
  2. Dr. Raysul Hoque, "Salient features of the Writing of M’asumi", European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine,United Kingdom
    ISSN 2515-8260, Scopus.
  3. Dr. Raysul Hoque, "Nazik Al-Malaika: The Poetess of Common People", Science Publishing Group, New York, NY10020 U.S.A, ISSN:2639-9695(Online), Peer Reviewed.
  4. Dr. Raysul HoqueA Scrap from the Life and Works of Ma’sumi, IJIMSISSN-2348-0343, Peer Reviewed

Conference Proceedings


1. Dr.Raysul Hoque, Book: ديوان رئيس الحق (Dewan Rayees Al-Hoque), Published with ISBN, vol. First, 1-85, NA, 978-93-340-7981-4, 2024 N/A


1. Dr.Raysul Hoque , Maulana Tahir: An Inspiration of Life, Voice of Knowledge Research Concerns, vol. N/A, 128-139, N/A, 978-93-5913-526-7, 2023

2. Dr. Raysul Hoque, Development of Arabic in Northeast India, NA, 2023


1. Dr.Raysul Hoque , األشعار الصوفية في األدب العربي)Al-Asha’r AlSufiyyah Fi Al-Adab AlArabi), N/A, vol. N/A, N/A, 2022

2. Dr.Raysul Hoque , Works of Ma’sumi: A Study, Edited Book: ETHNICITY,IDENTITY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY: MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES, vol. N/A, 11-15, N/A, 978- 93-90870- 94-3, 2022


1. Dr.Raysul Hoque , Importance of English Education in the Madrassas of Karimganj District, Conference Proceedings, Xow Book Private Limited, New Delhi, India, 2015., vol. N/A, 17-23, N/A, 978- 93-82466- 69-7, 2015

Research Scholars

Sl. No Name Research Topic Roll No
1 ABDUR RAHMAN Socio-Religious Aspects in the works of Sayyid Qutub with special reference to “Maʻâlim fî Al-Tariq”: An Analytical Study ARA2091001
2 Abdul Goni Moral Values in Arabic and Assamese Children Literature with Special Reference to "Al-Sindbad al-Bahri" by Kamil Kilani and "Burhi Aair Sadhu" by Lakshminath Bezbarua: A Comparative Study ARA2291004


UG (Arabic Hon’s):

Best graduate Award of the year 2007 for Graduation from Karimganj College, Rank holder in TDC.

PG (Arabic):

1st Rank holder in M.AEndowment Award, Gold Medal, Merit Certificate, (Awarded by Assam University, Silchar).


  Ph.D. (Arabic):

  JRF and SRF under MANF.


Some books are in manuscript format and under process of publication.

Other Information

Dr.Raysul Hoque had been first boy in respective classes throughout his educational career.

Arabic & Persian

1. األشعار الصوفية في األدب العربي)Al-Asha’r AlSufiyyah Fi Al-Adab AlArabi)
Institute : Dept. of Arabic, Persian& Urdu, Cotton University
Place : Guwahati
Type of Conference : National
Date of Conference : 2022-02-15 to 2022-02-15

2. Development of Arabic literature in India and inheritance in Islam
Institute : Department of Arabic, Habraghat Mahavidyalaya, Goalpara, Assam
Place : Goalpara, Assam
Type of Conference : National
Date of Conference : 2020-08-22 to 2020-08-22

Institute : Department of Arabic, Gauhati University, Assam
Place : Guwahati
Type of Conference : International
Date of Conference : 2020-09-08 to 2020-09-08

Cyber Violence

1. Cyber Violence & Gender Equality
Institute : BPSM Vishwavidyalaya, Haryana
Place : Haryana
Type of Conference : International
Date of Conference : 2020-08-29 to 2020-08-29